Made with love

What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

The most delicious things I have eaten is whatever my mom cooked for me . I am and forever will be a mommy’s girl . So I am biased probably . I also enjoyed my grandmothers’ (both my maternal and paternal ) cooking . Both have left us but their delicious recipes still live on .

A day in Lincoln City and Depoe Bay

I was not feeling that creative these days . My creativity ebbs and flows like the tide . I was thinking a lot about the past , ruminating about the choices I have made . The results of those choices . Thinking over what would have happened if I had chosen something else. I hate this feeling . Maybe my mid life crisis came a little bit early .

Anyway yesterday I went to Lincoln City Kite Festival, from Portland it was about two hours travel . People come from all over to fly their kites. I was a bit confused about whether to take my jacket or not. Trusted my instincts and took it . Oregon beaches are notoriously chilly and on most days our weather is totally unpredictable . There was a crowd there and it was almost over while I got there . When I got there I noticed something strange the crowd was quiet , then I heard the announcer , there was a little girl missing and he was describing her . Fortunately she was reunited with her parents within seconds.

Lincoln City Beach

On the way back home I passed through Depoe Bay and by then the weather had completely flipped . The predictability of the Oregon weathers unpredictability ! But the beauty of Oregon coastline is spectacular especially on cloudy days. Just as I reached there a fog had come down and enveloped the whole place .

A fun fact about Depoe Bay is that it is the worlds smallest harbor. If we are lucky we could see whales . But I only saw harbor seals and two baby raccoons . The harbor seals were so far away and I couldn’t get a clear picture .

I clicked a few pics

The fog
The Devils punch bowl

I also went to see the Devils Punch Bowl. A rock formation in the shape of a big hole in the ocean . On high tides the waves will fill and swirl in this opening making it a dramatic sight . This is a popular tourist destination.

That is all for today from me

Until next post


To the poles

What countries do you want to visit?

There is something about the poles that attract me . So I would love to visit

Antarctica and those countries in the North Pole like




Also Ireland , Greece , Turkey and Italy .

A sliver of sunshine

We are having a real cloudy day today and I was feeling rather gloomy and for some reason I decided to watch the news . Usually it’s a bad idea when you are not feeling your best . But I decided to trust humanity and turned on the news channel. And I saw THE BEST NEWS EVER

Here it goes ,

Tigard Woman wins national poetry contest for a poem she wrote 80 years ago , she is 98 years old . June Martin wrote this poem titled “ My ideal day” when she was only 18 and she says she is not sure why she held on to this poem for so many years and now she is glad that she shared this poem with the world . Isn’t this the best news ? So all is not lost in this world after all . There is hope left.

So my dear fellow poets and writers, please please share your wonderful creations that you have hidden away. Step out into the lights and make someone’s day !

Until next post

Keep smiling

June Martin reading her poem

Inside the Pittock Mansion

Some time back I had posted about Pittock Mansion , the home of the Pittocks, an affluent family of Portland. Henry Pittock was the publisher of the Oregonian newspaper . Today I went inside the house and took some pictures . It was cloudy when I went in and later I looked outside the windows and saw it had started raining. The rainy day through those windows looked enchanting.

When I was inside this home I felt I was an intruder from another dimension, which I was . In every room history was preserved .

Here are some pictures taken on my iphone

Living Room
Music room
View from the Parlour
A painting of Mt Hood
The view though the window looks like a framed painting
The Pantry
A copy of the Oregonian
Read about Henry Pittock
A painting of Georgiana Pittock
Henry Pittock
Their Nieces’ room
Georgiana’a room
Georgiana’s letters
Rain through the windows
Dogwood tree in their garden

Look at the beautiful view of the Portland city

Innocent games

Call your friends, real and imaginary. Call everyone.
Go quietly and gather old newspapers, dont worry, take them from the dusty racks,
they have no use anymore
hush hush your friends,

run upstairs, run up to the terrace and
hide in your favourite spot and tear them up
yes, go on and tear them up into small pieces, in all shapes and sizes
just the way you like
hush hush your friends

Finished? Gather the pieces now
scoop them inside your tiny hands
Dont worry if some of them fall off
some of them might escape your clutches
but it’s all right
now toss them up in the air, toss them higher and higher
look at them come spiralling down
go on toss it again, dance, jump, squeal with delight
giggle, laugh, scream all you want
pretend they are snow flakes falling on your face

Tired of this now? Then run home and
just ignore the paper bits
stuck in your hair.

A carousel in Vegas ( photo taken by me )

I am a summer woman

What is your favorite season of year? Why?

My favorite is Summer

Coz Summer in Oregon

Is like a dream come true

Weather is just right

The trees vibrant green

Everywhere you look

Tiny flutter of wings

People’s faces joyous

Like they awoke renewed

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine – a tale of loneliness and human connection

I read Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman and these are my thoughts on the book.

Before I get into this book I would like to talk about loneliness . I am someone who believes that no person is an island and we all need connection . Several years ago I was working in a small town in India . I was staying with another friend in the hostel room. Our accommodation was arranged by the company and the rent was deducted from our salary . Every weekend my friend who lived closer to her parents would go home and I would be alone in my room . My parents lived quite far away so I couldn’t visit them every weekend .I don’t think I was ever lonely in my life like I was during that time . I had friends who I could talk to on the phone but I think I needed something more during that time . This place was very near an ocean so I would go to the beach in the evenings . Alone. The job was stressful and hard and I was lonely . It was a small town so there wasn’t much to do there too. When I read this book my mind went back to my time working there . I could relate to Eleanor , as I knew what it was like to be utterly alone.

This novel centers around Eleanor Oliphant who is a thirty year old woman working in an office. Eleanor is very quirky and has her peculiar routines and habits . In the office she is an odd one out , excluded and made fun of by her colleagues at times . She is socially awkward and has no friends and is really lonely . Her weekends are spent alone drinking vodka and getting takeout pizza. The story starts picking up when Eleanor develops a crush on a musician and that crush leads her to several interesting situations . As we move further and further into the story we understand her past and why she is the way she is . There are several twists and turns in the story and the author also gives us an unpredictable ending . I am someone who loves to be surprised when I read a book . I want no predicable ending and no dull characters . This book satisfied me in that regard . The more complex the character is the more I love them . And I can surely say Eleanor Oliphant is not boring .

From WordPress free library

Saturday Diary

On Saturday we went to Forest Park trail . Once we go deeper into the trail , the trees become taller and bigger . It got really quiet except for the chirps of some birds . I saw a woodpecker and heard the hoots of an owl . It sounded like an owl. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you are surrounded by these tall trees . It is hard to believe its proximity to downtown , because we won’t hear a noise once we are inside .

I took some photos to share .

Dappled light through the trees
A cute lilac wildflower if anyone know the name please tell
Baja bowl

After that hike we were so hungry . We went to Pepinos , a Mexican restaurant in downtown Portland . We had Baja bowls( inside there was the classic Mexican rice , beans , chicken , tomatoes and sauces) The place had a very homely vibe and there were Spanish songs playing in the speakers.

Until next post

Adios Amigos

Not into parties anymore

Who do you spend the most time with?

I spend most of my time with family . When I was younger it was friends and I had a lot of them . But it is hard to make friends in adulthood . In my experience . I am not into socializing and parties nowadays . Ten years back it was a different story . If I wanted to I could but these days I have turned into an ambivert. Maybe I was always an ambivert but pretended to be an extrovert.

Anyway I have kept in touch with some of my old friends online . We all live in different countries now so meeting up in person is impossible .